Tuesday 23 October 2012

College Magazine Questionnaire Analysis

Questionnaire Analysis


After receiving responses from the college students, it would appear that the current college magazine is not doing what it should be in order to reach its target audience because 100% of the pupils do not read the magazine. 55% of the responses were from females which mean that the answers we got would benefit both male and female because it is almost half. Judging by the fact that 70% of students are not willing to pay for a magazine, it is either going to have to be priced as 50p or less, or free. Students said that discounts, music, free things and college information are the main things that would encourage them to buy the magazine, and 50% of people would like this monthly. Only 25% of students would contribute to the magazine. When asked of the three things they would like to see in the magazine, music was the popular response closely followed by sport, trips, gossip and events. Other responses that came up included politics, news, discounts, competitions and info about the college. As well as finding out the contents they would like, we also learnt that bright colours, student’s photography and photos of students would be what interested people to the front cover.

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