Wednesday 14 November 2012

Advertisement Mood Board and Analysis

When looking through my own copy of NME magazine I noticed there weren't as many advertisements as I thought there would be. The ones I did come across were old fashioned or simplistic ones about music products, gigs, technology, gadgets, subscriptions and festivals. This is why I included many of these images on my mood board as I feel that if it works in NME magazine, it should work in mine too. Having advertisements for festivals and individual artists’ gigs shows the magazine’s knowledge and dedication to all things musical. This is the same with the personal advertisements selling storage products for music that I found in NME. The magazine generally creates a lifestyle for its readers as they advertise drink, gadgets and websites. This is why I included pictures of Vodka, a watch and YouTube. These demonstrate a particular lifestyle as well as suggesting past-time interests that the reader might take part in. The kind of product advertisements I chose to include were deliberate as I feel these represent the type of audience my magazine will attract. For the hair product advert I chose the most current VO5 product as I believe that this is aimed at young people. The specific advert’s slogan is ‘express yourself’ which fits comfortably with my target audience as the music they listen to, and the music my magazine talks about, is about expression and passion for music. The YouTube advert I chose was a vintage one because although you don’t regularly see current YouTube adverts in magazines anymore as it is so well-known, I thought this represented the kind of readers my magazine will attract as it is a ‘vintage’ one. This represents the audience as I assume they would like old, classic things that perhaps aren't well known at the time.

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