Friday 1 March 2013

3) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

 IPC media is the UK's leading consumer magazine publishing company. They like to say that they have at least one title for everyone including music magazines. They already have NME and Uncut so although they don't have a wide selection of magazines under the same category as mine, having NME means that it wouldn't be beneficial for them to take on JAKD. By adding my title to their brand list would mean that IPC were creating competition for their own brands; although it doesn't directly effect them, it influences the sales of the competing titles.

Bauer are another big consumer magazine publishing company. They publish many titles such as Heat, Empire, Classic Bike, and More. They have a wide range of titles that reach a diverse audience,. They publish two music magazines that are under the category heading of 'Men's Entertainment': MOJO and Q. Bauer would be a better choice of publishing company than IPC would because the music magazines they already own and publish aren't as similar to mine as IPC's are. My magazine wouldn't really bring anything different to Bauer's company because Q is a magazine that focuses on music and lifestyle; it's similar to mine in the way that it is for young men and that it influences the lifestyles of those that read it. However, because my magazine doesn't contain elements of fashion, I couldn't publish it with companies like Conde Nast. Had my magazine have contained fashion elements in it I could have offered to bring something new to Conde Nast's list by adding a music element to their company.

Anthem publishers seem more suited for my magazine. They aren't as well known as the aforementioned publishers but the magazines they already publish seem to fit better with mine. Anthem publish magazines that focus around music technology. If they published JAKD I feel as though they would gain a more entertaining take on the music industyr; something which their technical magazines don't offer their audiences. Publishing my magazine would mean that they widen their target audience and increase their sales.

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