Sunday 3 March 2013

5) How did you attract/address your audience?

The images used on my magazine are placed in a certain way so that they appeal to my audience. The most dominant image, despite being the same size as the other two, is the most forward image of the young man creating the 'rock' gesture. This appeals to my audience as it demonstrates a passion and love for the music that that boy represents. With him being on the front cover it is suggested that he is a musician and therefore, his gesture leaks the information that his music is of the rock genre to the audience and this consequently attracts an audience that relate to this kind of music and would be seen doing this gesture if they were at a gig. The other photos are of different musicians / bands. This gives the impression that, as there is more than one image on the front cover acting as the main photo, that my magazine is filled with these big names and talents. It also represents the diversity that can found within my magazine.

The design of the masthead appeals to my audience because of the union jack pattern. This represents the majority of the music in my magazine as we focus on trying to introduce new British bands to our audience. Readers will be attracted to this design because it gives the magazine an rough and urban feel which links to the things they enjoy in their spare time (skating, festivals etc) I made the colours of this masthead a bit duller than the other colours on the magazine so that it didn't look to pop inspired.

The language that has been used attracts my audience because it isn't too factual and / or formal. The mode of address is quite informal and colloquial as these are the options that were voted for in my questionnaire. I included words like 'awesome', 'greatest' and 'exclusive' to give the impression that my magazine contains information that they would not be able to find in any other production. These buzz words are often used on magazines to exaggerate the contents and how important and exclusive it is; this gains the interest of passers by because they feel as though the magazines are offering them something different and special.

My contents page appeals to my target audience in many different ways. I tried to make the contents page less vibrant and disorganised because I wanted to show that my magazine has a strong dedication to the music industry and the people in it. I think that by having a more sophisticated contents page, JAKD seems more reliable and factual as well as professional.

By adding images or 'new' bands I am catering for my target audience's preferences. Because my audience enjoy music for the quality as opposed to popularity, informing them of new bands will be beneficial as they are getting a taste of new artists that aren't credited because of their wide recognition.

Along with the photography image my magazine, the photo of the new band proves that my magazine is a catalogue of all the things my target audience need to live the lifestyle they want; my magazine caters for their needs and wants and helps them achieve a sense of self-actualisation in the way that they understand the true self they have been trying to be. They can take things from my magazine (hobbies, interests, musical preferences) and become someone that is a living representation of a select handful or ideologies and beliefs found in my magazine.

In my feature article I used mostly colloquial language. As my target audience spend most of their time at festivals, skate parks or parties, educating themselves by watching the news and reading broadsheets isn't something they class as important or make time for. Because of this, the mode of address in my magazine and especially in the feature articles is quite informal and opinionated as opposed to factual. This isn't a problem for the dedicated music fans amongst our audience though because they've established that JAKD is a trusted title who understand and reinforce their way of living. Having highly formal and educational language in my articles wouldn't fit with the personalities belonging to JAKD readers; JAKD's target audience are very social and spend the majority of their time out partying or enjoying the company of their friends. Because they prefer to spend their free time in this way they are left with little opportunities to speak in a 'proper' and formal way therefore, using this mode of address in my magazine would not be appropriate and would lead to the attraction of the wrong kinds of people.

The advertisement informing readers that they can win signed copies of these albums demonstrates how JAKD understands the wants of its readers. By giving away signed copies of the top three albums (according to JAKD) it is suggested that my magazine assumes that readers agree with and value their opinion.

The colour scheme copies the one found on the front cover. I tried to incorporate the same designs to make it clear that the three extracts of my magazine fit together.

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