Monday 4 March 2013

6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The main programme that was used to create my magazine was Photoshop. I have had experience of using Photoshop in other subjects (Graphics and Photography) and so when it came to making and designing my magazine I didn't really have a problem with the tools. Although I had developed the skills needed when using Photoshop, I didn't have the understanding required for creating a media product. I knew how to use the Photoshop tools but I didn't yet know how to apply them in order to make a successful magazine. My preliminary task allowed to make mistakes in the creation of the products that I was able to learn from and develop my skills from.

I used Blogger to post all of my evaluations, productions, research and plans on. This makes it easy for anyone to see my work and my findings and it also enables me to edit work throughout the course.

I used a pen-drive to transport all of my work between home and college; this enabled me to continue working on the written elements of the coursework outside of the classroom.
I borrowed a college camera to take photos of my friends in the studio and canteens. I didn't have my own camera available at the time so the basic college camera was used to take the photos found in my magazine.

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